19-35 Segment 1: Sudden Unexplained Death of a Child

Each year, some 400 US children over age 1, most of them toddlers, die overnight for no known reason. Families, longing for answers, often find that their families, friends, and even pediatricians are unfamiliar with this classification of death, or that they even occur. Family members who have lost a child, a medical examiner, and...


This was the last story I produced for Radio Health Journal. My editor assigned it to me because he felt that I would be able to tell a compelling, emotional story in a strong way. I did all of the reporting and producing and wanted to make it more multimedia than our other stories. To do this, I asked the families to submit home videos or photos, and we were able to feature these on our website and social media platform.

'Plans Change Every Year. Your Health Changes Every Year. Why Not Take a Look?'

Kevin Wehner and Scott Miniea both have backgrounds in education, but now, they work for nonprofit organizations in Columbia and use their teaching skills to help people navigate the healthcare system. Kevin is a Certified Application Counselor for Central Missouri Community Action and Scott is the Executive Director of the Primaris Foundation.


This is an episode from KBIA/91.3 FM’s Missouri Health Talks. It’s a podcast that focuses on all things health care in Missouri. In this episode, two insurance advisors discuss the medicare gap. My role was to pitch, report and produce the story.